what is a spec in warrior cats

You shouldn't walk up and start talking to that person when they are clearly conversing with someone else. The Tribe is very similar to a Clan, but feature different positions and terminology. Enjoy! It has many good role-players. Fox Length: About the length of a fox, so about a meter or 3 feet in length. Now, for the bio. Kids who have, though, may not be too wowed by Warrior Cats either, because the book, clan, and cat descriptions are so brief. You can also be a kittypet, rogue, or a loner. Sometimes they just want to watch, and thats fine! Let's get down to business!-- Naming. Adressing characters, there's usually like 3 main characters, 10 characters that come up more or less, and some that never make any interaction with the main characters. (SPOILERSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS) What can I say? Looking for the perfect name for your warrior cat? Characteristics Of Flavr Savr Tomato, Rusty, a house cat, discovers that several tribes of cats live in the forests behind his home. The apprentices in the Clan take fresh kill to them, pick out their fleas, and change their bedding. [3] Nomination A Clan's leader must choose a new deputy before moonhigh on the night the previous deputy passed away, retired, was banished, or was elected leader. Loner: a wandering cat that is not a kittypet, nor a clancat. Leaf-bare: Around Winter time when prey becomes quite scarce. Instead, you might see names written like this: "Salamander'foot," "Cloud/Star," "Sea ` Paw," etc. It's important to be respectful of others while they are roleplaying. Prey starts to become plentiful and becomes strongly abundant towards the end. It is usually the previous leader. It was heartbreaking when some characters died. Blizzard'Dive - a Tidy and Miserable molly with long legs. 3Hentai is the ultimate, best and daily updated hentai source material you will ever find. The storyline is so complex (at times, sometimes they do nothing for like 200 pages) and the characters are amazing. Each clan has its leader, Well, it is a Warrior Cats game on Roblox. The new deputy of [Clan name] is [warrior's name]. Want to edit and see less ads? For warrior apprentice role, you need one cat for each apprentice. The Winter Gamepasses are currently unavailable. Parents who love to read with their children can find the sheer number of books a huge asset. Leader: I, [leader], leader of [Clan name], call upon my warrior ancestors to look down on this apprentice. this book is so good! And even if it seems like nothing is going on at a certain point, it is a still a good idea to ask that way everyone can agree. An example of powerplaying as a Clan cat could look like this: {she attacked them forcefully with her laser eyes}. Summary note: some names and personalities may be a bit wonky! Name: The name of your OC is the first step in your character description. Ranks (More Explained):Leader- The cat who leads the clan. A good way to do this is to ask for permission. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. Before fighting, or doing something in general to/with another cat, it is important to yet again ask permission (shortened to perms). except they don't live united as a Clan. WebWarrior A mature cat who has completed their warrior training. They are oftentimes tired, but very loving and protective toward their kits, even when they become apprentices, and so on. Released by: 7900 Crain Hwy Glen Burnie, Md. Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! When roleplaying as a queen, remember that they dont do their normal warrior duties. WebAlways wanted to know what Warrior Cat you would be? The elder then joins the rest of the roleplaying elders. A she-cat is considered a warrior when she is not currently expecting or nursing a tom's kits. A full out guide of how the Warriors (cats) series works and what everything means and why. TV Series. They organize patrols and make reports to the leader, and are known to be frequently given apprentices. (Erin Hunter), serves a great purpose. If youre new to the world of Warriors, you may be feeling a little overwhelmed at the thought of such a long-spanning series with so many characters and plots. Want to edit and see less ads? Adders are venomous snakes that appear at Snakerocks. Warrior Cats is a mode in Roblox in which you can feel like a real, masterful cat. This quiz will help you know which warrior cat you are and unleash your most enormous powers. Rank: warrior. Before starting a roleplay, tell everybody what the plan is. Trees are bare and only some amounts of leaf litter remain. Your name might match the personality or appearance of the OC (e.g, a black cat- Nightwhisker; an introverted cat- Silentheart). This is a collection of terms used by the Clan cats in their speech. Look at cat-related words, such as paw, purr, stripes or feline. The Warriors: Field Guide arc was created to expand Warriors fans knowleadge of the Warriors universe. Dried Oak Leaf: A leader is a warrior who is highest in the Clan Hierarchy. If you choose to be a rogue, you might want to ask permission before attacking a Clan member, or even attempting to do other things, like coming into a Clan camp. Watch popular content from the following creators: Search: Warrior Cat Fanfiction Guide. However, they must carry out many duties, such as pulling ticks, or changing bedding. WebThe Warriors series contains over 60 books! Border patrols have a few warriors and apprentices who go out to set borders and patrol the territory. A amazing!! WCUE gives you the tool to make your OC in the game with Character Customization. (Please note that the cast listed here is fan-made. Every prophecy needs a main message or meaning. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition It is what your character would sound like (ex. The Clans are often given prophecies from their ancestors, but the meanings of these prophecies are not always immediately clear. Clan Nova Cat was one of the original twenty Clans founded by Nicholas Kerensky.Named for the Nova Cat of Dagda due to its alert readiness towards danger, the Clan was known for its unconventional practices, including the use of mystical visions to guide their decisions.. May Starclan light your path.. Warrior Cats is a series of fantasy adventure novels that follow the adventures and drama of wild cats living in Clans - ThunderClan, ShadowClan, WindClan, RiverClan and SkyClan in their forest and lake homes. They have chosen the path of a medicine cat. A Guide On Creating A Warrior Cat Fanfiction Originally written for Wattpad; please excuse any discrepancies in names or references . When Rusty joins them, he has difficulty fitting in, but he must in order to survive. Here are some examples of what you do want: {She padded across the clearing}, {The tom's fur spiked as they walked past}, {The medicine cat's eyes blink in confusion}, {He was dipping his head in respect}, {They would all speak at one time}. How To Collect Seeds From Bolted Lettuce. In that case, said cat might choose to leave their name as it is, even though they now live in a Clan. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition. I really love these books. You might say they are attacking, eating, sleeping, etc. If this is hard to wrap your head around, here's an example: You are a kittypet walking into the ThunderClan camp. Thundersnake: A train. See production, box office & company info. The original Warriors series includes six books. You undergo this eight more times until you get your ninth life, for which the last life giver says this: 9th Life Giver: I hail you by your new name, [original prefix]star. Loner- A cat who is neither owned by humans or part of a Clan. WebA leader is a warrior who is highest in the Clan Hierarchy. Animals Health & Nutrition Warrior Cats Medicine Cat Warriors Herbs Herbs Cats Mecicine (My first quiz!) Best StarClan honors your [virtues], and we welcome you as a full warrior of [Clan name]. They are treated with great respect in the Clan. It can happen in battle, also. Here, in the deepest, darkest parts of the sky, is where cats who are too evil to go to StarClan find their homes when they die. #Scripts:7. hello if you are a warrior fan you know what this is. WebWarrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) is an open-world, free-to-play, 3D roleplaying game on Roblox. The cats of the Warriors world are not the soft, fluffy house cats you might be expecting. Each wild cat is part of a different clan and has their own skills, abilities and beliefs. If you would like to use them, see Ceremonies. Biography (Bio): In WCUE, your biography describes the basic appearance and/or personality of your OC. ), Sign in to rate and Watchlist for personalized recommendations. When Rusty joins them, he has difficulty fitting in, but he must in order to survive.Rusty, a house cat, discovers that several tribes of cats live in the forests behind his home. The Clans use catspeak. This article is entirely fan-made and is not official. Warrior Cats Herb test {LEVEL 1} 7 months Medicene Cat- A cat who is trained specifically for healing and medicine. You have to know when to get involved in someone else's roleplay. Espaol (prximamente) - volver al inicio, Best Movies on Netflix, Disney+, and More, 50 Modern Movies All Kids Should Watch Before They're 12, Common Sense Selections for family entertainment, Best TV Shows on Netflix, Disney+, and More, 50 Books All Kids Should Read Before They're 12, YouTube Kids Channels for Kids Who Love Cartoons, Exploring and Celebrating Multicultural Families with Entertainment. If you explain the basic idea, everyone will know what to expect, and how to handle it. It can get boring if you are the only one roleplaying. Life giver: [Touches nose to the top of deputy's head] [Deputy's name], I give you a life for [gift). If you look further into the shrine of the fallen warrior, you will find a dead orc lying on a stone slab with A shaded parent can produce a smoke offspring, but a non-shaded (smoke) parent cannot produce a shaded offspring unless bred to a shaded. If you are being a kittypet, roleplaying with multiple people makes the game a lot more fun and enjoyable. A shaded cat must have at least one parent that is a shaded. These cats deal with loss, betrayal, murder, starvation, and all manner of dangers - and they must all have the courage of warriors to face it. They have trained hard to understand the ways of your noble code, and I commend them to you as a warrior in their turn. 10/10! For example, a Clan leader might be in the middle of a meeting and a rogue/loner, kittypet, or other Clan cat comes in, interrupting the meeting. Meanwhile, in the books' maps, the river is shown to flow from the gorge, down the waterfall, and towards Sunningrocks. Having powers is fine if you are roleplaying in the less popular magic school, or even lab roleplays (these are recommended in private servers). - page 1 Cat Druids and Subtlety Rogues will like your Hyena. WebThe official home of Warrior Cats by Erin Hunter. New EU Warriors store for European residents. Fast Shipping, huge selection, great pricing. Cats over the age of 6 months (or apprentices) have the suffix, Paw. HerbPool-grey tabby she-cat or tom with green eyes. Warrior cats Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. There are so many options, and it can be overwhelming! ("You're such a mouse-brain.."), Mouse-dung: insult-- stronger than mouse brain but less offensive than fox-dung. The leader is responsible for everything that goes on in a Clan. So, read it if you want! Just a few examples, "Sun`Paw, how are you doing today?" The tunnel splits into two. More Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki, Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) Wiki, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. You could even get a scrap paper now and create your own naming rules for your cats. Over 550 000 hentai through 13 000 series. The Ultimate Guide: Updated and Expanded Edition, Do Not Sell or Share My Personal Information. This is a warrior cats guide! Elder- A retired warrior, medicene cat, or leader. They normally don't go far when exploring, often barely past their fence. Jaypaw uses this for Squirrelflight's herbs in The Sight. story ideas. Cricket - Curious; small; timid; fast; good jumper; eager; appearance of a cricket. When roleplaying as a warrior, please roleplay hunting/patrolling. You will notice a gray cat at the opposite end of the territory near the tunnel. We use cookies to make this website secure Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition (WCUE) is an open-world, free-to-play, 3D roleplaying game on Roblox. This optional step makes a good base for any OC (e.g., the basic lore of an OC named Twistedfoot, previously named Bramblepaw. There are villains who have deep character depth, and usually backstories on why they're evil. Youre probably here reading this post because you want to write your own warrior cat-inspired book and need some unique names for your warrior cats. And it's a good idea to go over it even if you are familiar with them. Whitecough: a mild chest infection, which usually comes during Leaf-Bare and is the developing stage before Greencough. Specs are also sometimes available for you to ask from their current morph. I hope they will pass all they know on to you. Cats under the age of 6 months, always have the suffix, Kit. Rogues tend to stray from the Clans, if you want to stay as realistic as the books. There can also only be one medicine cat apprentice. Warrior Cats is a fantasy book series that Leafpool. I started reading it when I was 12, and my little sister reads it, but she is 10 and doesnt handle it very well, so I say 12 and up. Common Sense is the nation's leading nonprofit organization dedicated to improving the lives of all kids and families by providing the trustworthy information, education, and independent voice they need to thrive in the 21st century. Addressing swearing, there is none! A cat attacks you/your clan What do you do? It is to be noted not all of these herbs are In Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition on Roblox, but perhaps more will be added. They know about clans, but are generally non-aggressive with them (Ex; Barley, Ravenpaw), Monster: The large creatures known as "cars" which twolegs or humans drive across a thunderpath (see thunderpath). All in all, Warriors is immersive, it's, I think it should be 10, 11, or 12+ but I choose 10+ because some mature kids are 10 and they shouldent be kept from these books. Writing your own Warrior Cats-inspired fanfiction or story? To get the best of your roleplay, you have to be engaged with the story, aware of others, and avoid different situations, which will all, and much more, be discussed. The following are just a few things to keep in mind while roleplaying. Curl - Curly fur; see Ragged. However, most people that do not read the books do not know how to realistically play the game according to the lore. This can happen to kits when they play too hard or an apprentice/warrior trying too hard as well. WebWarrior Cats: Ultimate Edition is a Roblox Game based on the Warriors Book Series by Erin Hunter. 1 Members 2 Description 3 Objectives 4 History 4 If they have a deformity or special trait she she's in them a day or so after birth, she will name them for it Creamcore- cream and white toy that The Fanfiction "Bounty Hunters" is the seventeenth episode of Season Two of the Star Wars: The Clone Wars television series Dear Agony. Medicine Cat: Then by the powers of StarClan I give you your true name as a medicine cat. Search: Warrior Cat Fanfiction Guide. It's great for passing time. Everywhere I went I kept this book with me, and if you read it I'm sure you will too. This is a good way to see what is going on in the Clan, and socialize where a leader most likely couldn't. I call upon StarClan to give you many moons of rest. Beta testing date: You may also name your OC after something in the physical world (e.g. Fox-dung: insult-- stronger offense than mouse-dung. You can get very creative with your character and interact with others. Leader: [Apprentice name], do you promise to uphold the warrior code and to protect and defend your Clan, even at the cost of your life? tl;dr: Non-Subtlety Rogues and Non-Arms Warriors will love your Hyena. Use this Warrior Cats name generator to get unique names to use for your cats. For example, you don't want your biography to look like this: [ She/cute/shy/has demon powers/m8:none ]. Overall, great website and book series. If you continue to use this site we will assume that you are happy with it. Also, when the leader is ill or unable to perform their duties, the deputy will take the leader's place until they recover, and they will take their place at Gatherings if the leader is absent and cannot attend. Warrior Cats is a fantasy book series that follows the adventures of a group of cats living in the wild. Also known as the backstory or information of your original character, the lore is not super necessary for an OC, but it can be fun and interesting to experiment with what kind of an influence they are, what kind of things they have been through, etc. Another point is that even as Clan leader, you are certainly able to go on patrols, and this is pretty common in the books. The series keeps you interested and makes you want to read more. There are many roles to fill in these roleplays, including: Kits, warrior apprentices, medicine cat apprentices, warriors, medicine cats, queens, elders, deputies, and leaders. Moon- A month or 29 days (can be said "it's been a moon" "it's been three moons ever since___". They are usually taken care of by other Clanmates, and tell stories, like the mythical clans LionClan, TigerClan, and LeopardClan, former battles of the Clans, difficult leaf-bares, etc. The first thing a deputy is expected to do is organize patrols. Elder: An elder is a retired warrior or medicine cat. Rogue- Another term for loner; some cats find it offensive. This phrase(s) will describe what your cat is doing in their current state. And the suffix mostly describes the cats skill or ability, such as healer or fire. Rusty, a house cat, discovers that several tribes of cats live in the forests behind his home. In this post, we are purely suggesting names of warrior cats, not kittypets or rogue cats. WebClan leader: "Spirits of StarClan, you know every cat by name. Mouse-brain: insult-- calling somecat dumb or stupid. After failing to take over the clans, the ranks of the dark forest have shrunk. Contents 1 Herbs: 1.1 Traveling herbs 2 Poisons 3 Herb Care 4 Types of Herb Mixtures 4.1 Poultice 4.2 Pulp 4.3 Paste 4.4 Ointment 4.5 Juice 5 Injuries & illnesses Welcome to the home of Warrior Cats merchandise. Never again will you be lost for inspiration or Welcome to the Warriors Wiki! However, it can be interesting if a rogue trespasses the border, or even requests to join the Clan. Greencough: a severe chest infection, which can be fatal for younger cats and elders, can also be known as a flu for cats which usually comes after a mis-treated or missed Whitecough. Details: With certain talents, Hyenas can improve your own DPS too. A "better" biography could look like this: [ A loyal, loving she-cat with a gentle nature ] or, [ A confident and steadfast tom who is very tall ]. Again, it gets boring staying in camp the whole time. This quiz includes questions about herbs, StarClan, and plenty of role play tests. 17 Years = 204 moons. They are restricted to not eat any prey while hunting, as they are to only bring it back to camp. [Apprentice name], from this moment on you will be known as [new warrior name]. Medicine cats are highly honored in the Clans. The warrior code! Bussin bussin. According to the official site, there are currently six clans, including the two newest clans (SkyClan and StarClan). Using these, you can create your warrior cat name to suit your cats personality and role. Common Sense Media. Website Copyright 2022 Working Partners Ltd (a Coolabi company). FanFiction | unleash Home Community Books Warriors Warrior Cat Stories With the Best Plots fr Kriegerkatzen, original Warriors) ist eine Fantasy-Romanreihe der Autorengruppe Erin Hunter 2 Former Alpha Females: 2 Okay, so I've been working on a fanfic called 'The Judges choice' in which female Fireheart is a huge ass A full chart connecting all our beloved characters. The way you type your username is not as important, but you want to make sure you come across clear. I ask you now to take away the name from the cat you see before you, for it no longer stands for what they are. It allows you to create and design a unique cat as you wish. Clan Terminology Apprentice A young cat training to become a warrior. All rights reserved. Queens usually have kits and nurse them until they are 6 moons old/until they are old enough to become an apprentice. For a full guide on Character Customization, visit Character Customization. The prefix normally describes the cats appearance, such as golden or stripes. This is normally the case unless your OC was a former rogue/loner or kittypet, and they join a Clan. Gathering: A meeting at Fourtrees or the Island where all four(five) clans meet in peace to share the news of each moon. Crow-food: Rotting or discarded food or prey which has began to decay or rot. Rogue: A particularly hostile cat who lives outside the Clans and never spends too long in one place. Prefix literally breaks down into Pre(meaning before) and Fix(Fixture), meaning Before Fixture. When roleplaying as a deputy, try organizing cats to hunt, patrol, and sometimes, gather herbs. Some cats in the books have earned their suffix name through a special accomplishment or an achievement in battle. Say there's a cat named Rosethorn, and she is destined to save the forest. This is the standard PvE build that is recommended for any Feral Druid in the "Tank 2" or "Tank 3" spot in their raid team. Do they understand the importance of the warrior code? Help your clanmates out! A medicine cat must dig up the roots, wash off the dirt, and chew them into pulp, which can be applied to rat bites. You can view profile pages for the writers under the Erin Hunter umbrella HERE. She was smart, creative, flexible, and cooperative. Queen- A she-cat expecting or nursing kits. Apprentice - A cat at least six moons old, and training to be a warrior (or a Medicine cat.) Warrior - A mature cat who has completed his or her warrior training. A she-cat is considered a warrior when she is not currently expecting or nursing a tom's kits. Names often have meaning, so take that into account while making a name. But as the books prove time and time again, it doesnt matter where you come from, it matters what you do and the loyalty you choose to show. 11 years = 132 moons. A she-cat is considered a warrior when she is not currently expecting or nursing a tom's kits. Medicine Cat Names (According to me, every medicine cat's last name is 'Pool.) The characters are interesting, and the plots and story line keep getting better as new books Rampage Ruler. A bi-color must have a bi-color parent. But if your cat is a noble warrior, you'd probably look for something more epic, like Lionheart, or Fireheart. Written by several authors under the pseudonym of Erin Hunter, there are over 40 Warrior Cats books in the universe. You are able to be your own warrior, and live the life of a Clan cat, whether as a playful kit, a young, eager apprentice, a brave warrior, a bossy queen, an old, retired, elder that has protected their Clan for moons, a skilled medicine cat, or perhaps a legendary leader. In some situations a kitten in love with a fully grown cat who's also a murderer, and another time an uncle was in love with his niece, (creepy uncle really weird). We had kits. There are a lot of WCUE (Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition) players that do not read the Warriors books, and that might include you. However, some kittypets can be brave, and venture further. Cuts Again, very common. Leader: cat who leads the Clan; approved by StarClan and given nine lives. 15 years = 180 moons. There is a sub-category, not often used in roleplays, called young warriors, and senior warriors. Burgers & Burnouts July 9 starts @ 11 2292 Robert Fulton Hwy Peach GUIDE TO WARRIOR CATS! Try being an evil leader! Daisy, Ferncloud). You can do some evil things, like making kits apprentices early(like Brokenstar), creating conflict with other clans(if theres other clans in the server), or any other evil thing. Cats who eat this often A shaded cat must have at least one parent that is a shaded. Credits to warrior cats hazel!pls subescribe and like this video .Thx for watching!pls read desc. Learn more about our emails and privacy policy hereSite and online store maintained and operated byEvent Merchandising Limited. Not only does it upset and often annoy the people trying to play, but it disrupts the roleplay altogether. This code is at the heart of everything the Clans do, and breaking the code can have severe consequences. In-game, the river flows from Sunningrocks to the waterfall, which falls into the gorge between RiverClan and WindClan territories. WebWarrior Apprentice: A warrior apprentice, usually shortened to apprentice, is a young cat who has chosen the path of a warrior and is at least 6 moons old. You will find everything from colors, to animal clan names. Also about the maturety, there is blood, death, gore, violence, ect. The customization menu is, admittedly, confusing at first. Thunderpath: A human road which is named for the loud thunder-like sound when monsters roll down it. Why not try our warrior cat name generator printable below to find out what your warrior cat name is: Heres a list of prefixes and suffixes we used to create the names in our warrior cat name generator above. Get some inspiration from here! The leader is responsible for everything that goes on in a Clan. All to help you write your own stories in no time. The only remedy for ticks, mouse bile is foul smelling, and is stored in moss. An online RPG where players can play as their own character in the Warriors universe with others. Create your own Warrior Cat and roleplay in this official game based on "Warriors", The New York Times best-selling series of fantasy books. Warrior Cats: Ultimate Edition brings the "Warriors" series off the written page and into the Roblox world! Daisy, Ferncloud) Talk to her. Certutil Add Private Key To Certificate, Learn more about your favourite Warriors and their ancestors in this interactive family tree. Go to ShadowClan territory. This series has been a thrill to read. First of all, what I mean by "style" is the kind of wording you use, symbols, etc. Cat-speak : Human-speak Glowpoles: Streetlights on the sides of Thunderpaths Crow-food: Rotting or discarded food or prey which has began to decay or rot. What you do not want might look like this: {attacks}, {she was blushing}, {sniffs air}. I once heard of someone who forced apprentices to fight their mentors to become a warrior! Warriors Fanon Wiki is a FANDOM Books Community. They do the duties assigned to them by the leader, deputy, and medicine cat(s). A warriors medicine cat quiz that will determine your knowledge on being a medicine cat. A good, understandable biography is very important for your gameplay. WebWarrior Cats is a gripping series of books about the adventures of competing clans of wild cats, for readers 9+. I love this book series highly recommend (watch out for, childbirth, plenty of gore, bloodshed, gang war, mates and some bullying\violence with no consequences at all), I think that the first six books are fine but when you get into the power of three there are abusive male cats that will take control over females and exclude them (watch out for Death, child birth panes, and cannibals that will eat the other cats) that is it great books. 2023 Warrior Cats Store - UK. Mentor - A cat who is currently training an apprentice. It's better to be safe than sorry. A kit may choose to become a medicine cat apprentice at six moons, and usually trains longer than warrior apprentices. November 6, 2022. age 13+. Fighting here is against the warrior code.

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