Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: Post: PO Box 264, Morwell VIC 3840: Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia) Hard waste / green waste coupons are identified by the Property Assessment Number provided on the Rates Notice. An approved sticker must be affixed on all trash bags placed for collection while recyclables are to be collected in the orange and black recycling bins provided by the City. doxo is the simple, protected way to pay your bills with a single account and accomplish your financial goals. In this Policy and in particular the Kerbside Collection Service Specifications, the following terms will, unless inconsistent with the context, have the meanings indicated: Alternative Collection Pointsmeans an alternate location for Customer placement of Mobile Bins for collection, determined by the Council, where for example there is no space at kerb or for other reasons including safety. Fees are payable on all required services even if the resident elects not to use the service. May share garbage and/or recycling service and/or green waste service. Latrobe City Council three and four-year-old kindergarten enrolments for 2024 will open on Monday 1 May 2023. Water is a valuable resource; please use it wisely. Items not addressed above or which cannot be picked up on the once-a-month large item pick up may be picked up by special request for an additional charge. Water Quality Report Special On-Property Collectionmeans any service that the Council has determined (on such evidence as Council deems appropriate) requires collection from within the property boundaries of the Premises. Assessment Number (please see your notice of rates and charges) In a effort to reduce our carbon footprint, we will no longer be printing paper remittance advices. Therefore, such persons must avail themselves of Councils full range of Kerbside Collection Services, except where exempted below: Application of this Policy will be on the basis of the type of property. Further details are available via the Latrobe City Council website: Council will also simultaneously resolve any suggested amendments to this Policy. Organics Collection Servicemeans the collection of organics from Organics Service-Entitled Premises as are specified in writing by the Council from time to time. The resulting figure is the total amount you need to pay. Local Government Act, Sustainability Victoria SV2020 strategy, Provision of Kerbside Waste and Recyclables Collection Service, Contract Number 13501. Latrobe City Council 2012. Materials Recovery Facilityor MRFmeans a facility for the receipt, handling and sorting for marketing, of materials collected in the Recyclables Collection Service, including an Alternative Facility. Latrobe City Council endorsed the Draft 2023/24 Budget at its April Council Meeting and is now calling for submissions. ABN: 92 472 314 133, Home and Community Care Program for Younger People, Volunteering in Reserves, Gardens and Recreational Areas, Volunteering Programs (Aged and Disability), Takasago City, Japan | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Taizhou, China | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Reconciliation and Acknowledging Traditional Owners, Proposed Gippsland Motorsport and Event Complex, Latrobe Valley Manufacturing Industry Profile,, /Home/Payments/Rates_Payment_Options_and_Due_Dates, Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia), Closed Saturday, Sunday and public holidays, Monday to Friday: 8.30am - 5.15pm (closed for cleaning from 12noon to 1pm), Monday to Friday: 8.30am to 5.15pm (closed for cleaning from 12noon to 1pm), Mondays and Fridays: 10am to 4.30pm (closed for cleaning 12noon to 1pm). is five dollars per individual, while per capita tax for Greater Latrobe School District is ten dollars per individual. Tires (may be delivered to the City Garage for a separate fee). Residents who currently receive a kerbside collection will also be able to place acceptable items out during their localitys advised collection period. Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: Post: PO Box 264, Morwell VIC 3840: Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia) Your recycling will be collected every second Thursday commencing 12 March 2020 from 6am and then 26 March 2020 from 6am. We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Brayakaulung people of the Gunaikurnai Nation. Any government department or other properties exempted by specific legislation from Council service fees and charges, such as those for Kerbside Collection Services. Please click here for a list of items that are typically recyclable. The application of this Policy will be used for assessment and consideration of all proposals regardless of existing uses. Box 829, Latrobe, PA 15650, Physical Address: doxo is not an affiliate of Latrobe Municipal Authority. The Sheriff can enforce an unpaid infringement warrant by: Learn more at: Persons or organisations exploiting any fee/charge exemption will have their exemption rescinded by officers without requiring referral to Council, and such exploitation may affect eligibility for subsequent applications for re-exemption. This shall be at the discretion of the residents, subject to the property owner/body corporate not requiring other arrangements. Responsibility for compliance with this Policy; Responsibility for enforcing accountability; Responsibility for providing resources, and. Responsibility to ensure this Policy is consistent with Latrobe City Council Strategic Direction and other Latrobe City Council Policy, and. The only circumstances in which this will vary are where the applicant is also granted an exemption from or reduction in fees and charges under Section 6 of this Policy. 2023 Latrobe Municipal Authority. Responsibility for the decision to approve this Policy by Council Resolution. Any property owner or occupier may apply for an additional service, provided they are services that Council currently provides elsewhere in the municipality. If you would like a receipt please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope or email address with your payment. This exemption will not apply if kitchen-based organic domestic waste is subsequently introduced to the Kerbside Collection of green waste. These requirements are on now on display at each Transfer Station. The City of Latrobe Transfer Station and Administration Office will be closed on Monday, October 12th in observance of Columbus Day. Online. No endorsement has been given nor is implied. Information on how to pay a fine or how to appeal a fine. Your garbage and recycling will be collected every second Monday commencing 9 March 2020 from 6am and then the 23 March 2020 from 6am. Garbage not capable of being placed in an approved collection bag must be bundled and securely tied so that one person can easily handle. We will create and maintain a child safe organisation where protecting children and preventing and responding to child abuse is embedded in the everyday thinking and practice of all employees, volunteers . . Please note this amount issubject to change annually inJuly, and will be adjusted in July 2023. Organics Service-Entitled Premisemeans any Premise entitled to an organics collection service as specified under Clause D2 of Part 4 Organics Specification and Clauses D4.4.1, D6.1, D6.2 and D6.3 of the Kerbside Collection Contract. Box 829, Latrobe, PA 15650, Physical Address: 901 Jefferson St., Latrobe, PA 15650, 2018 City of Latrobe. Schedulemeans a schedule attached to a Section of these Specifications. including single or multi-storey flats but excluding villa units or medium density housing developments): Properties with buildings, halls and meeting rooms used by community groups/churches/service clubs, sporting clubs etc. Not for profit organisations/community groups. Missed Servicemeans the failure by the Contractor to collect Waste from any Mobile Bin on the specified day of collection from any Premise within the Service Area. Service(s)means all or any of the services to be performed by the Contractor as described in the Contract Documents. Large families (defined as households with six or more persons) may apply to have a 240 litre MGB substituted. The allocation of coupons to residents within DHHS or other community supported housing arrangements will be mailed to the property address for use by the DHHS tenant; Tenants of privately owned properties who produce permission from their landlord to use the property allotted coupons will be issued with the Property Assessment Number to use as required. Welcome to the official web site for the Latrobe Municipal Authority in Latrobe, Pennsylvania. Box 829, Latrobe, PA 15650. The full service provision for kerbside collection services includes a 120 litre waste Mobile Garbage Bin (MGB), a 240 litre recycling MGB and a 240 litre green waste MGB. However, applications for these may be submitted simultaneously with applications for exemptions from (or additions to) kerbside collections services and/or fees. Businesses will automatically receive payments of $5600 ($2800 per week) if they have previously received grants under the Business Costs Assistance Round Two or July Extension programs. Sewer Projects Water Projects, Notice of Violation - Failure to Complete a Level 2 Assessment, Rental, utilities assistance program opens for Westmoreland County residents. Domain Registration & Hosting by WizWeb Source, Tuesday, May 16, 2023 at 4:30 pm at the LMA building, 104 Guerrier Rd., Latrobe, PA 15650. Learn about doxo and how we protect users' payments. Processing Facilitymeans the facility nominated for receipt and processing of materials collected in the Organics Collection service or an Alternative Facility. In this regard: Property owners or occupiers granted an additional service shall pay, in addition to any amounts payable for the standard services they receive, an amount which is at least the cost to Council for the additional service. Ignoring a fine will become serious and costly. Since its inception in 1942, the Authority currently provides water and wastewater services to the Greater Latrobe area in Westmoreland County. All historical arrangements (in terms of additional or exempted services and/or fees) in place at the time of this Policy being adopted by Council shall continue until the end of the financial year in which the Policy is first adopted, after which they shall cease, except as listed in Section 6.3. Residents will also have the option of an additional paid hard waste collection at a time that suits them. . Paper and cardboard recycling remains the same. Westmoreland Cleanways is back to operation. The water comes from the H. A. Stewart Reservoir near Ligonier. Five or more persons, one being a child in disposable nappies may apply to have a 240 litre MGB substituted. Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: Post: PO Box 264, Morwell VIC 3840: Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia) Land owners and occupiers of multiple dwelling sites (i.e. This Policy provides direction as to how Latrobe City Council provides Kerbside Collection Services to the community. Two or more children in disposable nappies, OR. . An obligation to present bins for collection at the nearest point on the collection route. All Rights Reserved | Designed by Chroma Marketing. Any decision to extend beyond the previous years fee shall be at the discretion of the Chief Executive Officer (CEO) considering the objectives of this Policy including equity and fairness to all ratepayers. Victorian Planning Provisions (VPP), Latrobe Planning Scheme. P.O. This shall be at the discretion of the assessing officer, and subject to analysis of the volumes and types of waste being generated by the businesses activities. Mailing Address. No garbage, clippings, etc. Click Here for further details. i.e. Common questions, curated and answered by doxo, about paying City of Latrobe (PA) bills. For example if you receive a fine for an offence that carriestwo penalty points, the total fine is $370. Vendor area will open immediately following the parade on Memorial Drive and in Latrobe Memorial Stadium, there will be a special 1 hour foam dance party for the all to enjoy in . All Rights Reserved | Designed by Chroma Marketing, Sanitation Service Payments and Garbage Stickers. Council may inspect premises to establish the validity of applications for such exemptions. P.O. The LMA office hours are Monday thru Friday from 8:00 am to 4:30 pm. Municipal charge, Garbage charge, Fire Services Property Levy, etc, and deducts any applicable concessions or payments received. Payments. Latrobe City Council 2012. The transfer station accepts tire, solid waste, hazardous waste, and inert material waste. City of Latrobe. Any exemption granted shall be for a period ending in the current financial year. doxo enables secure bill payment on your behalf and is not an affiliate of or endorsed by City of Latrobe (PA). Output. 901 Jefferson St., Latrobe, PA 15650, 2018 City of Latrobe. Recycling can be disposed of at no cost. Learn about doxo and how we protect users' payments. ABN: 92 472 314 133, Lost pets, adoption, pound, registration, desexing, microchipping, nuisance animals, Family Health, Children's Services and Aged & Disability Services, Tips, transfer stations, bins, hard waste, green waste, shopping trolleys, View current and completed Major Projects, Home and Community Care Program for Younger People, Volunteering in Reserves, Gardens and Recreational Areas, Volunteering Programs (Aged and Disability), Takasago City, Japan | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Taizhou, China | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Reconciliation and Acknowledging Traditional Owners, Proposed Gippsland Motorsport and Event Complex, Latrobe Valley Manufacturing Industry Profile, Latrobe Valley Dance Promotions Inc - Social Ballroom Dancing with Lessons, Submissions Open for Draft 2023/24 Budget, Our Transition - Latrobe City plan for economic transition, Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia). Includes southern side of Gilbert Street (including Gilbert Street) and the Railton Road area. Trash will not be picked up on these days and will be delayed to the next day along with the remaining days in the week following the observed holiday (to include Friday pickup moved to Saturday). Infirm Householdmeans any Customary Premises that the Council has determined (on such evidence as Council deems appropriate) that by reason of ill health or other physical or mental incapacity, no Customer of such Premises is reasonably able to place a mobile bin out for collection. Latrobe Municipal Authority. Community gardens are generally organised and overseen by local residents. City approved garbage stickers are $4.80 per sheet of twelve (12) and may be purchased at the Administration Office in the City Building, the Transfer Station, or at Shop-N-Save on Dailey Avenue in Latrobe. Owners and tenants of all properties within Latrobe City must be able to demonstrate that they dispose of the waste produced or deposited at or near that property, and that an appropriate level of recycling is occurring, in alignment with the overall environmental goals of the City. $14.70 if paid in August or September; $15.00 if paid in October or November; $15.75 if paid after . These present challenges to officers, who must attempt to ascertain whether or not to accede to such requests or refer them to Council, including consideration of financial impacts on Council. On ANZAC Day we gather as a community to remember the courage and dedication of those who have served in times of war and those who continue to serve. The Kerbside Collection Services Policy provides guidance to Latrobe City Council when responding to requests for variations to the provision of kerbside waste collection services to the community. Any contribution required will be conditioned as . We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the land, the Brayakaulung people of the Gunaikurnai Nation. During Main Streets of Australia Week, Latrobe City Council, along with the local business community, will join to celebrate main streets and town centres across Latrobe City. The Citys Street Sweeper is not equipped to handle the large amounts of grass clippings that are being blown and/or swept into the streets. Manage all your bills, get payment due date reminders and schedule automatic payments from a single app. Items not addressed above or which cannot be picked up on the once-a-month large item pick up may be picked up by special request for an additional charge. doxo is a secure all-in-one service to organize all your provider accounts in a single app, enabling reliable payment delivery to thousands of billers. Your garbage will be collected every second Tuesday commencing 3 March 2020 from 6am and then the 17 March 2020 from 6am. An important Update Regarding City of Latrobe s Recycling and Waste Service: Bulk and Yard Waste Collections. No endorsement has been given nor is implied. Mailing Address: Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: . Commercial businesses that occupy more than one premises may, where their premises are located in close proximity (e.g. Penaltyunits determine the amount a person is fined when they commit an offence. 21 were here. Includes the Hawley and Shearwater areas bounded by the Alexander Street / Port Sorell Road roundabout and where Shearwater Boulevard changes to Pitcairn Street at the golf course. Garbage Service-Entitled Premisemeans any Premise entitled to a garbage collection service as specified under Clause D2 of Part 2 Garbage Specification and Clauses D4.4.1, D6.1, D6.2 and D6.3 of the Kerbside Collection Contract. It shall be the obligation of any affected persons to apply for consideration for exemptions/additions to services and/or fees. In addition, from time to time, new requests for exemptions or additions are received. Your garbage and recycling collections are on the same week. General information about City of Latrobe (PA). doxo is not an affiliate of City of Latrobe (PA). On occasions these applications are withdrawn or refused and the applicant requests the return of fees paid. Refer to Sections 5.3 and 5.4 Undeveloped Properties. Consumer Confidence Report PDF Bread, pastries and flours (including rice and corn flours); Food soiled paper products (hand towels, butter wrap etc. In accordance with Regulation 20 (a), Latrobe City Council will rebate/refund Planning Permit application fees in the following instances: 100% refund of the application fee paid, when an application is withdrawn before public notification and before Council Planning Officers consider the application. Intersection of PA Route 217 & US Route 30. map. Mailing Address: Latrobe residents facing financial hardship could soon learn of options to help pay for the annual $90 stormwater management fee that's due March 31. We also hope you'll join us in celebrating Earth Day. In order to be fair to all parties (including staff and ratepayers who are not exempted), a clear framework is required against which officers can make decisions. Separate approval is required for exemptions from Transfer Station and Landfill Fees and charges for individuals or organisations. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. We appreciate your patience while we make these upgrades and look forward to assisting you on Monday. Logos and other trademarks within this site are the property of their respective owners. Where. A Visit from the Disneys Frozen characters a childrens area and the loved by all FOE BINGO. Note that these bags will need a City required garbage sticker. The day will consist of local food vendors, local craft vendors, an adult beverage area, Music by DJ Dark Shark and live music. Coupons are electronically recorded when used and cannot be reissued. Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: Post: PO Box 264, Morwell VIC 3840: Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia) Payments are free with a linked bank account. In Case of a Sewage Emergency after hours, please call: 724-537-2994 Your garbage and recycling will be collected every second Monday commencing 9 March 2020 from 6am and then the 23 March 2020 from 6am. shall be placed in any empty containers, which are to be collected. Council adds any other standard charges, e.g. NOTE: 10% penalty added if not paid in full by due date. This Policy will be reviewed on request of Council, in the event of significant change in the Executive team, significant changes to legislation applicable to the subject matter of the Policy or, in any other case, during each Council term (generally four years). Your garbage will be collected every second Monday commencing 2 March 2020 from 6am and then the 16 March 2020 from 6am. Make online payments using eServices. General household rubbish can be taken to any Latrobe City Council Transfer Station; the fee depends on the size of trailer or vehicle. Alternative Facilitymeans a specified waste handling, processing or treatment facility, landfill, materials recovery facility or processing facility other than a Nominated Facility, which is approved by the Council for receiving materials under Contract. Develop frameworks and procedures in compliance with this Policy; Enforce responsibilities to achieve compliance with frameworks and procedures, and. Premise(s)means a building of any description and land, whether built on or not. Fines; Rates Payment Options and Due Dates; Accounts; Community. Latrobe City is undergoing a significant economic transition, as it shifts towards a more sustainable and diverse economy. Payment of . The Local Government Act 2020 requires Councillors and Nominated Officers of Latrobe City Council to complete Personal Interest Returns.. A Personal Interest Return must be completed within 30 days of the commencement in their role, and then biannually in March and September of each subsequent year.. Latrobe City Council; Ph: 1300 367 700: Email: Post: PO Box 264, Morwell VIC 3840: Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia) Post Billpay:VisitPost Billpayor call 13 18 16 and have your notice on hand. Free mobile app available on Google Play & Apple App Store, Never miss a due date with reminders and scheduled payments, Pay thousands of billers directly from your phone. Evidence of vacancy period shall be provided prior to cessation of applicable fees and charges. It is unlawful for any person or business to deposit garbage, rubbish or other refuse for collection within the Borough which has been brought into the Borough of South Greensburg from . Early Startsmeans the commencement of Services before the Start Times such as Christmas Day and ANZAC Day. You can pay them on doxo with credit card, debit card, Apple Pay or bank account. Sanitation Service Payments and Garbage Stickers; Tax Payments; Right-To-Know Requests; Department Contacts. The blend of heritage and hospitality sets Latrobe apart. Copyright | Disclaimer | Privacy | Credits | Site Map, Cradle Coast NRM Rice Grass Control Program, Planning Applications on Public Exhibition, Tasmanian Planning Scheme - Latrobe Draft Local Provisions Schedule, Community and Social Housing for the Aged. We pay our respects to their Elders past . . Please click here for your Recycling and Waste Collection Tips. We pay our respects to their Elders past, present and emerging. For businesses that are affected by the COVID-19, please visit/share Waste Management . Latrobe City Council, PO Box 264, MORWELL VIC 3840. A maximum of two cubic metres of acceptable household hard waste. If you have over paid your rates we can arrange for a refund of the monies paid. Developed but untenanted properties, except up until the initial occupancy (it being the obligation of the property owner to store Council-provided bins securely until a subsequent tenant/occupier is secured). This may occur due to lack of kerb space, on-site storage issues or other reasons. Republic Services is under contract to collect household garbage in the City of Latrobe. Per capita tax for Unity Twp. If you are planning to carry out any building work, you may require a building permit from the Council. Garbage in the form of empty cardboard boxes, large cans or other empty containers will not be collected. Such a refund shall be limited to only include the current financial year and in the case where the charge has occurred erroneously, then the previous years fee shall also be included. (Get Free Adobe PDF Reader Here), LMA Projects Fireworks display will be at 9:45 p.m. Fireworks display rain date will be on Tuesday at 9:45. A combined per capita tax is billed on August 1 of each year. All Rights Reserved | Designed by Chroma Marketing, Find out what should and shouldn't go in your garbage bin. No endorsement has been given nor is implied. The aim of this policy is to protect the cultural and historical heritage of the . You can still use the Hard and Green waste coupons issued with the 2022-2023 rates notice at any of our Transfer Stations in Moe, Morwell Traralgon and Yinnar South. Gross Contaminationmeans all materials which are not Recyclables as defined in the General Specification, where it is evident upon visual inspection that excessive amounts of these materials are present within the Mobile Bin. 21 george street,morwell 3840 telephone 0351354444 $1.80 inc. gst i hockey champs valley sport donation drive moe eisteddfod page 7 page 15 24 24 22 15 shower or two mostly sunny showers increase . The City of Latrobe has a small-town atmosphere and is home to a vibrant and walkable downtown business district with shops, restaurants, offices, and a wide range of housing options for people of all ages. In accordance with Council's Local Law Number 2 Clause 129, failure to comply with this requirement . Falling in line with extended deadlines set for county tax payments, council agreed to accept city property tax payments at the 2% discount rate until Aug. 31, moved back from April 30. No endorsement has been given nor is implied. You cannot pay for a booked hard waste service. . Home and Community Care Program for Younger People, Volunteering in Reserves, Gardens and Recreational Areas, Volunteering Programs (Aged and Disability), Takasago City, Japan | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Taizhou, China | Latrobe Sister City Relationships, Reconciliation and Acknowledging Traditional Owners, Proposed Gippsland Motorsport and Event Complex, Latrobe Valley Manufacturing Industry Profile, Apply for a Time Extension for Fine Payment, Nominate Another Driver for a Parking Fine, Direct Debit Form Local Laws.pdf (275.74KB), Application for Action by a Court.pdf (20.85KB), Payment plan application for aninfringement, Application for internal review of infringement (344KB), Location: 141 Commercial Road, Morwell VIC 3840 (Australia), suspension of your vehicle's registration, non-renewal of your vehicle's registration. Charitable and/or religious organisations. City Manager Michael Gray said he plans on proposing ideas to city council at its next meeting to set the criteria for those who need financial assistance. Although exemptions (to individuals or the types of groups listed in Sections 6.2 and 6.2.2 6.2.5 should generally not be granted where services are provided. Latrobe South Garbage and Recycle Includes southern side of Gilbert Street (including Gilbert Street) and the Railton Road area. There will be a $20 fee for any returned check. Latrobe City Council will provide kerbside collection services that: The processes of developing levels of service, engaging contractors, developing business plans, setting fees and charges will be consistent with the objectives of this Policy. Grass clippings can be bagged and placed out for the weekly garbage pick-up. Physical Address: 901 Jefferson St., Latrobe, PA 15650 Such cases shall require the agency or individual making the submission to show appropriate consideration of alternative means of achieving Councils recycling aims, and may also require assessment of the need for additional domestic waste disposal bins or recycle bins by the assessing Council officer in accordance with Sections 7.2 and 7.2.4.
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