uranus conjunct ascendant solar return

Julia Michas, astrologer and creator behind @juliamichasastrology, chatted with us about what it is and why you should care. You will meet people who will play an important part in your future. The realization of your goals wont depend totally on your personal efforts, but more on the collaboration of others. Some restlessness is likely, and you may have some concerns about what lies ahead of you, which could be at the root of your need to escape. You might be subject to sprains, pains, or infections. In Aries, you may take initiative in the area of life where Aries falls in your natal chart. And this could cause a problem in the relationship. You will have a great desire to achieve stability and to put down roots in your own place. The following is the natal chart of Ann: The Solar Return chart for the year we are studying is presented below, along with Anns natal chart in the outer wheel so that we can easily see which natal planets conjunct the Solar Return angles. On page 2 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offered a second example of a Solar Return at work. If you already have an addiction problem, you will need to work with it very seriously this year. One of the other person's (OP) natal planets is conjunct one of your directed or progressed planets at the time of the meeting. During this period you could be so busy and absorbed with your ambitions that you tend to overlook your emotions. Venus position can provide clues as to which areas of life prompt you to feel this need. Many different issues came to the fore in the year in question. So, if both of these charts use your birthday, whats the difference? Love is in the air. If you are already in a relationship, you will feel inclined to share many activities with your partner and could work on joint projects together. HOUSE 1: Personality. This planet is also linked with revelations, the divine spark, clever ideas, and the advancement of science and humanity on a larger scale. Your attention span may be short, however, and you might have your finger in too many pies. On the other hand, while you are protecting and caring for the defenseless and needy, you could very easily become a victim yourself. If you have artistic inclinations, it will be a positive year for expanding your creative talents. 7- Note that a Solar Return chart can be read much like a natal chart, always keeping in mind that it is transient rather than permanent. If you are not this kind of person normally, the change in your personality will be very obvious. However, after this year is over, you may lose your interest in the unusual and strange, and your new partner will wonder what happened to you. Forward to Interpreting Solar Returns Page 3, Back to Interpreting Solar Returns first page. Others will notice the dedication you are making. It stays in the same zodiac sign for about 7 years. As with everything in astrology, forgetting about the context would be a big mistake. For example, if the Solar Return Ascendant is 10 degrees Leo, and 10 degrees Leo is found in your natal fourth house, then fourth house matters will be prominent in the year ahead. Remember that success or failure of your enterprises will depend almost exclusively on your own will. You also could begin some type of study or take short trips to broaden your knowledge. Thus, factoring in the Moons aspects will help refine the reading. We have Solar Return computerized reports that examine any given Solar Return chart piece by piece. Your sensitivity will increase considerably and you will be more susceptible than usual to sudden, unexpected mood changes. This can be a very disruptive time in your life where you leave everything behind and make a new start. Perhaps it is a family member or business associate, who will become very dominant and demanding, creating conflicts and fights. This year does not leave much time for romance, love and adventure. You may find yourself accommodating or appeasing others much of your time, and you have to watch that you dont become too compromising or overly concerned with not rocking the boat. During this period you may come in contact with intuitive and sensitive people who will share with you their hunches and visions of things to come. Unless there are other adverse indications, you will have a very favorable year for business, buying and selling, and investments in general. It will be a year to work on those emotions and undo the blockages that have stood in your way too long. On the other hand, if you are already hard-working and fairly ambitious, this could be your year to jump up the ladder. This will be a year of internal regeneration. Uranus is linked with irregularity, unconventionalness, originality, sudden changes, unexpected events. He or she has the opportunity to rejuvenate this area. You will become more talkative and spontaneous. The sign and aspects to the ascendant unveil more information about this conjunction, and planets in the first house also color the picture. Your desire to achieve a stable and happy relationship will cause you to direct your attention to any problems within yourself that need to be dealt with. You are resistant to making big changes, and you are skeptical of new initiatives. This is a year of opportunities, in that you will be more adventurous and you will have the courage to make changes. You may be involved in an intense, or even tragic, romance. It can be a fun, thrilling placement. You strive to be an individual, an original. You may become more aloof and not have as much time for socializing. You shouldnt feel restricted by your partner in any way. We can see from these astrological statements that this was going to be a significant year for the native! Solar Return Ascendant in natal 1st house. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. Your social life will flourish this year. The accident only served as a catalyst for their discovery. It will up to you to keep the peace! August 30, 2019 July 13, 2022 starcrazypie Ascendant, Houses, Midheaven, Moon, Saturn, . Maintain your positive attitude and avoid any tendency toward becoming a hypochondriac. 42 people love it! This chart can be read much like a natal chart, except that it must be kept in mind that it is in effect only for the course of a year-approximately from birthday to birthday. For example, if Solar Return Venus is opposite Solar Return Neptune, especially if Venus also rules the second house in the Solar Return, you might presume that either this coming year there is less emphasis on materialism, or that your income might be fluctuating and somewhat unstable. When in difficult aspect especially, Jupiter can suggest over-confidence and recklessness or misjudgment as a result. The degree of your success will depend entirely on your own effort. Anyone or anything that stands in your way will not be tolerated. Remember that you are strongly under the influence of the Moon this year! Example #2 of a Solar Return chart interpretation. In Scorpio, powerful feelings come to the surface. The Mars energy will give you more courage and the will to take action, but you can also be more prone to accidents because you act hastily or impulsively, not thinking before you leap. You can count on that angel on your shoulder to get you through this year. You have to be careful that you dont overestimate your capabilities this year. It is hard to relax and calm your mind. . If you have been thinking about taking a vacation, this is a good year to do it. If you are seriously involved with someone, this may be the year you make the big commitment! An individual with this aspect will be attracted . You could find yourself being more realistic and stubborn than usual. In other words, you can mark this occasion in your own way and make it exactly what you need. Mercury (both natal and Solar Return) is found in the 10th house conjunct her natal Midheaven, effectively bringing 11th house issues into the fore in a public manner. Sun conjunct Saturn in the solar return chart implies a sense of structure. Period. You will feel the need for space and a lot of freedom of movement. There is something aloof about these people. You will meet worthy people whom you can trust and maybe someone older than you whom you can lean on. Issues that were signified by the other standout features of the chart were evocatively expressed as well, but, for the purpose of brevity, we will stop at the issues surrounding the accident for this study. You might attract Cancer-type persons who could be most beneficial to you now as they may offer you understanding, protection, and support in your endeavors. It will be important to pay special attention to your nervous system. Be aware of the fact that you could be more trusting than usual, thereby exposing yourself to undue pain or suffering. They are major players as angles are the most personal points of your chart. Indeed, it does have a protective influence. When the transiting sun forms a conjunction with your natal Uranus, you will experience a wave of liberation and independence. Under this influence you will feel stronger and more energetic. There are a number of ways to read a solar return chart. This spirit of adventure could bring you into contact with new people, cultures, and languages. Be careful not to get involved in scenarios which create tension, jealousy or possessiveness in you or those you are dealing with. With this method the solar return chart is delineated in context of the natal chart suggesting which natal themes will be emphasized during the coming year. . In spite of the complications you may experience this year, you can be sure it will not be dull. You will probably not get a lot of help from others unless you are willing to do the work. 3- Similarly, note which Solar Return planets are on or aspecting Solar Return angles. It is important that you dont eat when you feel tense or talk about your problems during meals. It can be a rather mundane year (unless your Sun or Ascendant is Virgo natally), but one that is quite busy. Plus Venus/Pluto conjunct to square natal Pluto. The position of the Moon by house and sign will show where your heart is, so to speak. This year you will want to start many new projects. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. You could benefit by boning up on subjects such as nutrition and the various kinds of alternate medicine that are available to you. You also could get involved in some type of litigation or legal suit during this year. This, of course, came as a complete shock, and the violent act rocked Anns world. If you are involved in some legal matter, it would be to your advantage to settle out of court, coming to some mutual agreement rather than exposing yourself to a law suit. Be sure to eat foods that are rich in minerals. Although Pluto is not tightly conjunct the Ascendant, it is within 8 degrees of the Ascendant. I had Leo rising in my Solar Return charts in the years I had two of my children (both born with Leo Ascendants), for example. There is a strong tendency to get caught up in your own world of ideas but have difficulty expressing them to others. This may be because you have been feeling limited or caged in recently, and your desire is to break out of that rut. In no way will you be unnoticed during this period and you will continually search for the approval of the public. If we had looked at the Solar Return chart before the events happened, we would not have been able to predict what actually happened. During this year you could have a closer or more important relationship with your siblings, neighbors, or other relatives. If this is not possible, soaking in water and listening to soft music would be very helpful. Dont let that upset you. Solar Return Venus is tightly conjunct the natal Descendant (and effectively opposite the Ascendant). Solar Return Ascendant in natal 10th house. In either case, your desire to enjoy life and to search for amusement will be accentuated. Lets say that you had Saturn on your midheaven, then work could be a total slog that year., Birth Charts for Beginners: 5 Things to Know, If You Have These Aspects in Your Birth Chart, Youre Probably Psychic. Mercury rules her natal 11th house of friendships, and it also rules her Solar Return 11th house. Or you may have acted too aggressively in some situation. Trust your impressions and perceptions because they will undoubtedly be quite accurate. It brings different circumstances and experiences and changes in your daily routine. Since you will be having more than usual difficulty dealing with the real world, it would be advantageous for you to be in contact with people who are more practical and organized. It is interesting to find Jupiter prominent in Solar Returns and transits when, for example, a person has had an accident, or goes through something like Ann did. At the time of one's birth, this planet was rising in the horizon at one's location of birth. This new obsession with freedom and variety in your life could bring you in contact with people who will want to organize you or control your actions. You could also be impatient or impulsive in this area. The first thing to examine in the lunar return chart is the ascendant. Try not to gloss over important details, such as the bills that need to be paid. This year will bring new initiatives and projects. Read more about the Solar Return Moon by sign, house, and aspect. Your capacity to understand abstract ideas will be increased. Whatever the case may be, you have donned a strong persona in order to deal effectively with the changes that you know need to take place in your life. On page 5 of our Solar Returns Feature, we offer interpretations of the Solar Return Sun in aspect to other Solar Return planets and points. Your mental and intellectual activity will be increased, causing a desire to engage in some type of learning in order to satisfy your thirst for knowledge. If you are naturally calm and easygoing, you will find yourself being more demanding and explosive. People with this placement are usually very sharp. Also, if the Solar Return Ascendant is in the same sign as the natal Ascendant, it promises to be a power year. If the conjunction receives a square from Mars, it adds a great deal of impulsiveness, aggression, and suggests that you are more accident-prone. Involved with Neptune and Mars, and we can easily see that it expanded or emphasized the Mars/Neptune issues of disillusionment. You may feel undervalued and could don a more serious persona this year. Share it with others who enjoy reading about astrology! Increased energy will impel you to undertake new activities or to work intensely on your projects, which could lead you to the brink of exhaustion. Physically, your most sensitive spot will be your feet. As we have seen, the first things I look for in a Solar Return chart are planets that are conjunct the angles. It would be wise for you to listen to what they say to you if you believe they might be relevant and true for you. In that case, your true character will simply be exaggerated now, and you will have found a person who is actually very compatible with you. You may be drawn to study these subjects and to discover more about your inner self. Nobody Uranus is one of the outer planets. Decision-making is quick this year, and you are likely to be more physically active. And inside your Pisces is Neptune, Moon, Venus and Uranus. ), loss (of a friendship), shock, and anger. Saturn ruling this year forces you more than ever to face reality and your own limitations. Trust it to guide you, in spite of your apparent lack of common sense. This year you will be inclined to express yourself in a more intense and dramatic way. . You may find yourself having the desire to acquire beautiful or expensive things to a greater degree than you are used to. It makes a full circle around the Sun in 84 years. You should control the number of projects you tackle and concentrate on the ones that can feasibly be completed in a reasonable amount of time so that you dont scatter your energies. Spark your imagination when thinking about natal, transit, solar return, or progression meanings. Uranus buzzes with energy. Your creativity will increase and you will conceive ideas and projects that will be of great value to you in the years to come. This placement can indicate above-average intelligence. You will also lean toward physical ease and comfort. It won't be easy for you to control your reactions, and you will be more nervous and act more impulsively than usual. The square between SR Sun and SR Moon is tight and angular, which in and of itself promises that the year will be a critical and transitional one.

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