Get Directions. 0000002061 00000 n Company__, Class__, Platoon__ Quick view Compare . The program of instruction for IMC has been in development for a year and follows guidance from the 2019 Commandant's Planning Guidance and Force Design 2030. A School of Infantry provides training in weapons and infantry tactics to infantrymen of a nation's military forces. Return back to this site page and select the applicable link to access content. But a lot of the skill sets required to be an infantry Marine are tactile skills. Command Screening Checklist (Note: Info Not Available At This Time), 3. For issues or problems pertaining to SOI-West website, please utilize the link below to address yourconcerns via email: Center for Learning and Faculty Development, Expeditionary Warfare Training Group-Pacific, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 21, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 22, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 23, Marine Aviation Training Support Squadron - 1, Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Marine Corps Detachment Fort Leonard Wood, WTBn Quantico Formal Marksmanship Training Center, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - The Marine Corps School of Infantry (SOI) is the follow-up training where all Marines receive combat training after they graduate bootcamp. ITB trains, develops, and certifies Marines as riflemen, machine gunners, mortarmen, infantry assaultmen, and antitank missilemen in order to provide basically qualified infantrymen for service in the Operating Forces. Columbia, MO 65205-1115 Detachment Hawaii. Download document selecting the link below. The course uses a redesigned learning model for students intended to develop their capabilities for independent and adaptive thought and action. For issues or problems pertaining to SOI-West website, please utilize the link below to address yourconcerns via email: Center for Learning and Faculty Development, Expeditionary Warfare Training Group-Pacific, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 21, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 22, Marine Aviation Training Support Group - 23, Marine Aviation Training Support Squadron - 1, Marine Corps Communications-Electronics School, Marine Corps Detachment Fort Leonard Wood, WTBn Quantico Formal Marksmanship Training Center, Hosted by Defense Media Activity - Report any of the following to the SOI-W Lima Company Staff Duty Officer (SDO), as soon as possible: - Delays to your travel. School of Infantry Camp San Onofre LONG SLEEVE T-shirt $23.99. Since the initial training pipeline is divided between coasts, Marines from areas east of the Mississippi River usually graduate from MCRD Parris Island and move on to SOI at SOI East (located at Camp Geiger, a satellite facility of Camp Lejeune in North Carolina), while those from the western half of the nation attend MCRD San Diego and move on to SOI West at the Camp San Onofre area of Camp Pendleton in California. USMC Fitness Program- Official USMC site for PFT/CFT fitness requirements. Camp Pendleton - Bldg 520410, Camp Pendleton, CA; Add Photo. During non-working hours 1700-0700 (Pacific) and all day on weekends and holidays, call the SOI Officer of the Day at: (760) 725-7480. This video shows you the basics of how . Once you make it to SOI, you will need to report to Building Number 520440 for Lima Company. Whether you need our support or you'd like to support others, you'll find what you're looking for with our outreach programs. Also, the siteoffers an up-to-date"Calendar of Events" forcurrent and future activities occurring on-base/off-base in the surrounding areas. The training that students undergo while attending any of our courses is mentally and physically challenging by design. Includes: Meet Our People, Volunteering, Policies & Trademark, Sponsors, Advertising, CLICK HERE: Announcements, Newsletters, Websites, Get Help, Get Active, Outreach Programs, Online Groups, Community Relations, Events, CLICK HERE: Donate Here, Fundraisers, Troop Support, Verify Non-Profit Status,,,,, Family members need to be prepared to provide identifying information for their Marine. 0000000727 00000 n Until you check-in, the School of Infantry Student Administration Officer is your point of contact. Personal Motor Vehicles are not authorized to remain at the 52 Area andstudent personnel are not authorized to operate a motor vehicleon base. Upon arrival to the USO, immediately change into Service Alpha Uniformwith Garrison Cover. 0000001055 00000 n If successful, your remaining journey will increase in difficulty, but the sacrifices you will make and the hard work you will put forth will result in immeasurable reward. At the School of Infantry, Marines who receive the Your email address will not be published. More information can be found on each of their web pages. - Official USMC site for PFT/CFT fitness requirements. School of Infantry West Linkedin. The course combines communications, weapons employment, planning and implementing training, reconnaissance reports surveillance techniques, patrolling and amphibious team operations. The new course is about 5 weeks longer than. Also, the siteoffers an up-to-date"Calendar of Events" forcurrent and future activities occurring on-base/off-base in the surrounding areas. Hover over an icon to learn more; click an icon to go to the website. The Base also provides specialized schools and training as directed by the Commandant of the Marine Corps. Dylan Chagnon), U.S. Marines with Alpha Company, Infantry Training Battalion, School of Infantry - West, learn the basics of fire and movement as part of Week 6 of the Infantry Marine Course on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, March 3rd, 2021. Female Marines are trained at both SOI East and SOI West. MCB Camp Pendleton COVID-19 Base Impacts/Resources, Important course information and resources for CNATT training requirements, follow link below:, CLICK HERE. Our Mission: Marine Combat Training Battalion trains all entry-level, non-infantry Marines on the basic infantry skills and knowledge . School of Infantry MISSION STATEMENT: To conduct infantry, reconnaissance, light armored reconnaissance and assault amphibian entry-level and advanced MOS training, and basic combat skills. An example would be if you were married during leave, you will need to turn in your marriage certificate and fill out the necessary paperwork while at receiving. The Infantry Anti-Tank Missileman Leaders Course is designed to provide Marines with the knowledge and skills required to perform as a. A Marine Rifleman embodies the Marine Corps warfighting ethos; offensively minded; lethal with their weapon mentally; morally and physically resilient; proficient in basic field craft; and possessing a foundational understanding of leadership and the basic tenets of maneuver warfare. Marines with Golf Company, Marine Combat Training Battalion, School of Infantry - West conduct Table 6 - Night Combat Marksmanship on Camp Pendleton, Calif., Mar. 0000063601 00000 n Oneg Plisner), Marines take part in Exercise Steel Knight 23, challenging the 1st Marine Division's capabilities in warfighting, command and control, and refine the unit's partnership with the U.S. Navy. Once Marines arrive at the School of Infantry. The first two digits of the MOS are the OCC (Occupational Career Code), plus two additional numbers which define the specialty. Riding motorcycles, ATV's, or playing dangerous sports are not advised., Inc., an IRS-approved 501(c)(3) public charity eligible to receive tax deductible donations, was founded on January 21, 2003 to provide support, information, and services to Marines and their family members, and create opportunities for the public to support our troops through the organization's outreach programs. Box 555061 Camp Pendleton, CA 92055-5061 . If a serious personal or family emergency exists, contact your local American Red Cross and request that they verify the emergency and the need for your presence. P.O. Columbia, MO 65205-1115 For questions or comments concerning the School of Infantry Website, (e.g. SOI marks a transition in the professional training of entry-level students from basically trained Marines to Marine warriors. Losing your SRB or copies of your orders will hinder this process and could delay you from picking up with the next training company. Brian Stippey), U.S. Marines with the 31st Marine Expeditionary Unit prepare for Realistic Urban Training Exercise 23.1, or RUTEX, on the Hawaiian Island of Oahu, Jan. 6 - 20, 2023. Headquarters and Support Battalion. They will assist you in sending a Red Cross message to your new Commanding Officer at SOI. While on leave, you should use caution with any extra curricular activities. Includes: Meet Our People, Volunteering, Policies & Trademark, Sponsors, Advertising, CLICK HERE: Announcements, Newsletters, Websites, Get Help, Get Active, Outreach Programs, Online Groups, Community Relations, Events, CLICK HERE: Donate Here, Fundraisers, Troop Support, Verify Non-Profit Status. School of Infantry-West P.O. The primary source of unit/battalion information for spouses AND parents is the Deployment Readiness Coordinator (DRC) and Unit Hotline. School of Infantry - West Student Check-In Graduation Contact Us Student Resources The Basic School Warfighting Instructor Battalion Weapons Training Battalion MARCORREP Charlottesville. The course provides instruction in machine gunnery, mortar gunnery, anti-armor operations, Marine Corps leadership, Marine Corps planning process, law of land warfare. Pvt Joe Marine 123 45 6789 USMC." basically trained Marines to Marine warriors. professional training of entry-level students from SOI-West Physical Address: 520407 Basilone Road,Camp Pendleton North, CA 92055. CNATT Training and Resources. Use the following mailing address formats below to update the address in the app to send Letters to theSchool of Infantry (SOI) East & West: The School of Infantry will continue to push Marines mentally and physically, learn more about what happens after Marine boot camp. The Infantry Assaultman Leaders Course provides a Marine with the knowledge and skills required to serve as an assaultman squad leader for an assaultman section of an infantry weapons platoon. Light Armored Vehicle Training Company. The Reconnaissance Training Company (RTC) has the honor of hosting some of the militaries most demanding training as it strives to produce Reconnaissance Marines and scout Snipers. SOI-W Webmaster. Important course information and resources for CNATT training requirements, follow link below: -Site provides information for Marine & Family Programs, Recreation, Shopping/Services/Food, Lodging, and Jobs. The course uses a redesigned learning model for students intended to develop their capabilities for independent and adaptive thought and action., Marine Parents Fleet Information Page "Our current model is an industrial model," said Gunner Chief Warrant Officer 3 A.J. At the School of Infantry, Marines who receive the infantry military specialty are trained at Infantry Training Battalion (ITB), and all non-infantry Marines are trained in basic infantry and Marine common skills at Marine Combat Training Battalion (MCT). 0000001230 00000 n U.S. Marines with the III Marine Expeditionary Force prepare for Balikatan 23 in the Philippines, April 10-24. The School of Infantry (SOI) is the second stage of initial military training for enlisted United States Marines after recruit training.Since the initial training pipeline is divided between coasts, Marines from areas east of the Mississippi River usually graduate from MCRD Parris Island and move on to SOI at SOI East (located at Camp Geiger, a satellite facility of Camp Lejeune in North . Also, the siteoffers an up-to-date"Calendar of Events" forcurrent and future activities occurring on-base/off-base in the surrounding areas. MCSSP Website MCSSP Website. Oneg Plisner), The U.S. Marine Corps, U.S. Navy, and the Japan Ground Self-Defense Force will conduct Iron Fist 23 near Okinawa, Japan, from Feb. 16 - Mar. BRC:760-725-6866 POINTS OF CONTACT: CO: 760-725-6828 XO: 760-247-2096 1stSgt: 760-763-7186 Operations Chief: 760-725-6876 BRC: 760-725-6866 RTAP: 760-725-6866 RLC: 760-725-7184 Recon Recruiter: 760-725-4000 Navy. Operations Chief:760-725-6876 Company__, Class__, Platoon__ Fri 0900 - 1700. PSC Box 555091 THIS IS AN OFFICIAL MARINE CORPS PAGE FOR SCHOOL OF INFANTRY-EAST SOI East - We have sand fleas. -Website provides support, information, and services to Marines and their family members and creates opportunities for the public to support troops through the organizations outreach programs. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Cpl. (U.S. Marine Corps video by Cpl. PO BOX 555081 Dylan Chagnon), U.S. Marines with Kilo Company, Marine Combat Training Battalion, School of Infantry - West, conduct two live-fire ranges on Marine Corps Base Camp Pendleton, California, June 2, 2020. drinking turpentine to get drunk, is there a tornado warning in virginia today, woman dies in dominican republic after surgery october 2020,