Dr. Leaf's research started 38 years ago with her masters thesis and her PhD dissertation work. From her graduate work, she moved to applied clinical work in the field with educators, students, government organizations, and patients in South Africa. Dr. And thanks for the education I hadnt heard of a flame war before but its a fairly apt description. Answering Shapiro et al.s (2006) seminal call for a measurement that assesses not only mindfulness but also its necessary mediators self-regulation, resilience, reconceptualization, and exposure the Leaf Mind Management Tool was created. WebSince the early 1980's, Dr. I exercise, take quality supplements, avoid toxic household products. For our latest peer reviewed article, see here. As before, I welcome any reply or rebuttal that Dr Leaf wishes to make, which I will publish in full if she requests. Gravity is not the electromagnetic spectrum. Its such a shame that you cant see beyond the most superficial of all assumptions to understand the deeper issues. Data collection happens within the app every 21 days for the 20 LMM items and the 8 pro-mindfulness factors as well as a web-based survey (. ) Have an Attitude of Gratitude! it just wasnt what I thought it was going to be. Google Scholar did not display any articles that had cited it, which must be an error on Googles part. Finally, your straw man argument about the author of science really doesnt carry any weight. Ive been following This thread for over six years now. From a nutritional standpoint, it is important to detox the body and get rid of toxins by drinking water, using natural herbs, avoiding processed junk foods, eating lots of fresh, sustainable fruits and vegetables and so on. This to me is a red flag, meaning I have a feeling she didnt say what you claim she said. Dr Leaf extensively references pseudoscience, and even then, misquotes or incorrectly paraphrases it. Thanks for the thought provoking comment. She said she started praying for her son, but she also said prayer was not enough. 3. Did we skip over that year? Her teaching does not stand up to even rudimentary scrutiny, either scientific or scriptural, and on that basis alone, I think her teaching should be rejected. Mara, D., et al., Sanitation and health. Kunes, J. and Zicha, J., The interaction of genetic and environmental factors in the etiology of hypertension. I welcome you to read this post, but ifyoud like a more current review of the ministry of Dr Caroline Leaf, a new and improved version is here: Relationships can be hard, whether you are talking about friends, romantic partners, family, or colleagues. Some easy ideas include: keeping a coloring book on your desk, doodling, writing, composing, building puzzles, or even creating new recipes! Is that someone who is gracious, humble or teachable? And can you provide a list of articles which have cited Dr Leafs Geodesic Information Processing Model? Prevention of type 2 diabetes mellitus by changes in lifestyle among subjects with impaired glucose tolerance. High levels of cortisol and/or the high blood sugar will also make you tired and weak. Dr. Pitt, could I ask you one small thing? Perhaps you would like to further elucidate how ACEs cause disease. I dont know of anyone who would disagree with that regardless of their beliefs or religion. iBooks = https://itunes.apple.com/book/kintsukuroi-christians/id1231172522?mt=11 Dr Leaf has not worked at a university or worked in clinical practice for 20 years. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. Its clear flame throwing/warring words is going on ~ Strife and quarreling does not please Our Father. HYPERTENSION While part of a much greater mix of variables, genetics are still thought to contribute between 30% and 50% to the risk of developing high blood pressure [17]. Cochrane Database Syst Rev, 2008(1): CD001765. Sincerely Tracey. Whenwe think about brain health, we often dont realize just how connected it is to our everyday lives: our relationship with a spouse or loved one, our performance at work, how likely we are to get other diseases and so on. Thats myopic and selfish. Do we wrestle with principalities and powers? But, something she said was quite disconcerting. PLoS Med, 2010. Besides, if ANP were really effective at reducing anxiety, then why do people suffering from congestive cardiac failure, who have supraphysiological levels of circulating ANP [19] , also suffer from a higher rate of anxiety and panic disorders than the general population? This step is like a mental autopsy. Would you care to explain the answer that Jesus gave to his disciples in the story of the man born blind in John 9:1-3, Now as Jesus passed by, He saw a man who was blind from birth. and helps me maintain a healthy sleep schedule even when I travel. Because Dr Leaf believes that its any negative thinking pattern, or toxic thought, that can cause disease, independent of ACEs. Could you kindly look at this research published in the BMJ. Hilariously ignorant of what shes saying. 5 Simple & Scientific Steps to Detox Trauma and Toxic Thinking For instance, low gamma waves and high beta waves can be associated with ADHD and anxiety, respectively, while higher theta and alpha waves can reduce generalized anxiety disorder (Dadashi et al., 2015). WebJessica L. Neurocycle Institute Attendee. It ignores the genetic influence on all other diseases, other congenital, and environmental causes of disease. Also, just quickly, I dont claim that Dr Leaf is a heretic. Link to this post: https://cedwardpitt.com/2015/07/22/dr-caroline-leaf-still-contradicted-by-the-latest-evidence-scripture-and-herself/ or to the website debunkingdrleaf.com. I am 40 years old. I said, So the stress and my thoughts about the trauma is what caused diabetes? She said, it looks that way. Why had I never given thought to the fact that stress cuases illness? Journal of abnormal psychology, 90(3), 213.) Can you clarify which of Dr Leafs peer-reviewed articles have definitively shown the academic improvement in the cohort of 100,000 students, as you and your referee have stated? How can I get my money back and complain about this foul thought?! WebDr Caroline Leaf | SpiritMindBody Connection NEW!!! No expert would rely on references that are nearly 40 years old, especially in the field of genetics. Leaf has studied and researched the mind-brain-body connection. My dad had both, plus Machevelianism. I think yours is a jolly good underlying question, though Dr Pitt might not take kindly to its being posed to him by way of your setting him a homework assignment that requires him to write 10 to 20 pages. Construct validity with blood measures also revealed significant relationships between the toxic stress and anxiety subscale and homocysteine levels and DHEA/cortisol ratios. I attended the University of Queensland where Professor Ian Frazer was based. Mol Psychiatry, 2012. If we do not get the necessary nutrients we need from our foods, on the other hand, we can actually increase our chances of developing feelings of depression, anxiety and other mental and physical issues, which impacts our ability to think clearly and deal with the issues of life. I couldnt agree more with what youve said! Each of the six factors represents a set of knowledge, attitudes, or behaviors related to self-regulation and control. Leaf, as she does speak SO fast, and her husband often does not keep up the sides to keep up with her..which was quite distracting. I am almost flattered you would step down to my level a bit. The dark triad. Yes, she said this. Leaf. Nickels, S., et al., Evidence of gene-environment interactions between common breast cancer susceptibility loci and established environmental risk factors. Rewiring the Brain through Neuroplasticity, with Dr. Caroline Leaf Of course, youre welcome to disagree with any or all of the above and to believe whatever you want to believe. Its no different to Dr Leaf and her teaching, which is scientifically baseless and not only will I not support people using it, but I will also actively discourage people from using it. Thanks again for the comment, all the best to you. And, if you find that you fall asleep and suddenly wake up with a rush of adrenalin, turn on the light read a bit of a book, do some work, or journal about your thoughts (I often do this when I cant sleep), which can help you organize what you are thinking and bring some clarity to the situation. It seems they want to protect their house-of-cards ministry any way they can. I downloaded your ebook about Dr. Globally, mental health concerns are growing. Can you clarify how attending the same university as Dr Christaan Barnard, or a Nobel laureate, endorses her arguments or precludes her from criticism? I think she is just saying that stress takes a toll and us and chronic, long term stress is caused by wrong thinking. The data collection protocol begins with an email invitation, and non-responders are contacted up to three times by email reminders spaced by 5-7 days each. Dr. Leafs teachings have helped me more than the drugs and the so called counselors who didnt help me at all. If so, What is it? I recommend planning aheadand setting aside a few hours every morning, evening or afternoon to read something, listen to a new podcast series or audiobook, or learn a new sport or language (or whatever appeals to you!). Soomro, G.M., et al., Selective serotonin re-uptake inhibitors (SSRIs) versus placebo for obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD). 10. You may be right about American Christians. Cussenot, O. and Valeri, A., Heterogeneity in genetic susceptibility to prostate cancer. Whom is misleading whom is a matter of opinion, as is ones perception of critique or criticism. 5. Our gut has about 500 million neurons, for example, which are intricately connected to the brain. QEEG measurements of 11 NeurocycleTM participants were performed before using the NeurocycleTM, after the first 21 days, and after the final 63 days to assess mental health improvements. For our latest peer reviewed article, see. She started putting mind over matter thoughts out there to keep him safe, which would keep her in contact with him. Its always interesting to hear how people react to Dr Leaf the first time they hear her. Unfortunately, several churches are using the videos as a small group series directed towards people with no scientific background and frankly its embarrassing and wrong to poach on those who deal with mental illness in particular and claim quantum physics or science says her claims are correct and you can will your way out of a health situation by thinking good thoughts. Depression-related cognitions: antecedent or consequence?. I would assume a very small number of your readers are qualified to search out all the detailed studies or analyses cited as the various references. Sure too much cortisol is bad. Fake science only wins if real science stays silent. Perhaps you could take a lesson or 2 from Francis Schaeffer! However, Id like to address some things I disagree with, which you can consider at your leisure. It is most likely caused by multiple genes at various loci [8]. Remember, if you constantly think about how bad you will feel the next day, your body will go into toxic stress, and you really will feel bad, which can affect your heart health! I too, am always very skeptical and I shy away from prosperity based theology however I feel this is much different. Choose from our available pricing plans and inaugural discount. Thank you for your comment. You can read more about her research in this post here: https://cedwardpitt.com/2015/03/26/the-tedx-users-guide-to-dr-caroline-leaf/. Coincidentally, I was thinking earlier today, in a completely different context, about the possibility that a body of learning and practice that had pseudoscientific foundations, might nevertheless be demonstrated scientifically to be helpful to believers in it, in some cases. This will be for a grade with 90% pass, with a certificate sent to facilitator and account upgraded to facilitator when completed. Ive added the link to here: https://cedwardpitt.com/2015/07/22/dr-caroline-leaf-still-contradicted-by-the-latest-evidence-scripture-and-herself/. John 3:16; Romans 6:23, 12:1-3; Galatians 1-6. Whenever I come across blogs like this one, I look for that one thread: Money. Dr Leaf is not guilty purely by association, she is just plain guilty. If he chose to respond, Im sure his voice would have much more authority than Dr Leafs. The purpose of this research study and clinical trials: to demonstrate the effectiveness of the 5 Step Neurocycle Program through the use of the latest brain imaging technology, blood tests and wellbeing scales as an affordable, easily accessible and applicable alternative to psychotropic medication to help relieve mental ill-health problems such as anxiety, depression and intrusive thoughts. Theres nothing there. Just share your story and your concerns, and take a stand for the truth. It is overwhelming listening to Dr. Dialogues Clin Neurosci, 2011. On our way home, the four of us shared our observations. Otherwise, your opinion is noted. Including a download to the Neurocycle App, Neurocycle Method materials & more. Dr Leaf did her PhD in 1998. Leaf uses everyday to transform your passion for mental health into a sustainable and successful business! Since the early 1980s she has studied and researched the So it would seem that Dr Leaf isnt teaching us to live under the peace of God, but rather the peace that our minds can purportedly generate under their own strength, something which seemingly doesnt fit well with Pauls teaching on grace (2 Corinthians 12:6-10). The research that Dr Leaf is alluding to is a paper written by Bredesen [20]. Their mindfulness development and mental health were assessed by the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) scale before and after the program. Thank you very much for taking the time out to reply to some of the points raised in my blog. Leaf? And since you are much more familiar with Prof Gardners work, you are in the best place to write that critique. She basically says Howard Gardner only made a low level theory and her Geodisic one is superior etc Then she proceeds to write the entire rest of the book using his SEVEN theories of multiple Intelligience with repeated questions such as Do you like to paint? Dr. I am proud to have been a part of this training, and I am thrilled to be a part of the future trainings with Dr Leaf, because I know I will be able to help more people with everything I'll learn. Give yourself grace, especially if your life is a little crazy at the moment! Not sure they would listen as several in your audience dont. Leaf Want to Be Successful? PItt the Younger cropped up. Part of my daily detox routine is my morning cup of mushroom coffee from Four Sigmatic, a company which creates superfood lattes that can help detox the brain and boost cognitive function (you can get a 15% discount off your order atfoursigmatic.com/DRLEAF,or use coupon code DRLEAF at checkout), my daily probiotics from BiOptimizer(my readers can get a free bottle sent to their home by visitingwww.p3om.com/leaffreewith the code leaffreep3om. TERMS & CONDITIONS - You may argue that she was speaking to a lay audience, and referencing is therefore not necessary. Confusion of categories is what this is called. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. Evident in the absurdity which she speaks. I certainly can not speak for them living in Australia. Hobson, J.A., REM sleep and dreaming: towards a theory of protoconsciousness. 9(3): e1003284. But I thought I detected under-currents of mutual irritation all the same. You did qulify your older writing nby adding: In fairness, the fields of neurology and neuroscience are vast and rapidly expanding, and it is impossible for one person to cover all of the literature on every subject. Amen. They did not prove that toxic thoughts cause depression. Berrettini, W.H. Dr Leaf gives medical advice in her blogs and from the pulpit (despite not being qualified or licensed to do so), advice which goes against the published medical evidence and clinical guidelines. This, in turn, impacts the way our body functions by impeding our ability to get nutrients from our food, which can set us up for all sorts of diseases (for more on the gut-brain connection, see my recent blogand podcast). Another clue to her inability to think coherently was that she said the mind is a gravity field that surrounds us. Look in her eyes. Being right, if you are, is irrelevant if you cannot clearly and concisely make your points. I dont have my reading glasses with me! If our thoughts were that important, then the cognitive component of CBT would have a much stronger effect. on And I certainly dont feel she is deceptive or just in it for the money. Implementing the LMM through the NeurocycleTM app, the findings of Study 2 found that test-retest reliability for all six LMM subscales was strong and that construct validity existed with established anxiety, depression, and well-being measures. Whether its Kenneth Copeland, Tim Keller or John MacArthuror Dr. I dont side 100% with anyone, due to our own infallibility. Dr. Leafs approach is working extremely well for me, and for a number of my friends. What about a baby that dies of SIDS? It was a frightful situation. In this podcast (episode #476) and blog, I talk about how to improve your relationship, develop sexual intimacy, and increase your health and longevity through compromise. Eur Rev Med Pharmacol Sci, 2010. In fairness, the fields of neurology and neuroscience are vast and rapidly expanding, and it is impossible for one person to cover all of the literature on every subject. I personally witnessed this for myself. Quantitative Electroencephalography (QEEG) Assessment of the NeurocycleTM. Scriptural knowledge can be acquired through systematic study of scripture and the application of critical thinking. When? Public BEACH data. 2010, Basel Switzerland ; New York: Karger. 1. Riegel, B., et al., State of the science: promoting self-care in persons with heart failure: a scientific statement from the American Heart Association. So I guess irritation is in the eye of the beholder. Leaf'steamis not allowed publish theirresearch findings ahead of the peer reviewed journal article, here is some information on theircurrent research projects. In the blog to which you referred, Dr Leaf makes a number of statements that are intended to support her case. Reiki works well for some people. https://adc.bmj.com/content/early/2017/09/20/archdischild-2017-313375. 3. Neurocycle | Brain Detox App However, I wonder why your gynaecologist just assumed that your cortisol and diabetes are all related to stress. WebDr. Hello, you mentioned Dr. But when you die your body still has mass and therefore, gravity. This is my most popular post by far. I suffer from avoident personality disorder, depression, anxiety, social anxieties, all kinds of fun stuff. 2. Am J Hum Genet, 2012. I do agree with you that Critical thinking is needed, to filter out godlessness. She laughs at how ridiculous it is that she never went to college but was given accreditation regardless She doesnt claim to be an expert on psychology but speaks from her own life and experience of scripture so its far more balanced and rational without claiming to be what youre not, I tried to contact her and received the answers you received referencing her website, As you also point out, many are helped by numerous ideology from all kinds of people it doesnt mean they are who they say they are, It would be far more credible if Caroline Leaf had the humility to change her claim and started saying I have a degree in speech pathology and Im passionate about this and this and this. As an aside, how do you factor in or out the general agreement that the things which men think are wise are plain foolishness; that spiritual things are not known by mind power?. Gotta go now and put on my armour (Eph 6) ready myself for the flaming spears/ warring words. I was immediately sceptical of the value of what struck me as a project for evolving new or modernised Christian doctrines, based more, or as much upon what passes for science these days, than (or as) upon any of the traditional authorities for Christian doctrine. In treatment vs. control comparisons, participants significantly improved on performance of all five brain waves, supporting a likely decrease in anxiety and stress, as well as an increase in relaxation, learning, and autonomy. 6 Strategies to Stop Fights Before They Begin, Why it's important to question our beliefs & biases, Why & how to compromise more in relationships. However, leading mindfulness researchers have called for an instructional tool that not only teaches mindfulness practices, but also covers and assesses mindfulness necessary counterparts: self-regulation and self-management and emotional, cognitive, and behavioral flexibility (resilience). Dr Amua-Quarshies CV is certainly very impressive, no doubt about that, although he doesnt list the papers hes published. But if Dr Leaf isnt going to listen, then other people might, and the only way other people are going to hear is if you speak. On the 4th of February 2015, Dr Caroline Leaf gave her debut TED presentation, at TEDx Oakes Christian School, California. Arroll, B., et al., Antidepressants versus placebo for depression in primary care. Get hands on personal training from Dr. However, a lack of standardization across the field and the association of a single frequency with multiple mental health conditions has necessitated more research into the measurement and meaning of each frequency at various levels (Newson & Thiagarajan, 2019). 28. and had even contacted him as a matter of courtesy and offered a free book then I would have felt different! I would love to see her research opened up to the rigours of peer-review and the broader scrutiny of the scientific community. He was interested to know about this book and reference to his theory. DISCLAIMER It would not cease. The Bible says to speak the truth in love, not engage in naive conformity. And concluding that the remaining 98% must therefore be lifestyle related is overly simplistic. Seems to establish clear link between mental activity and body function. The primary aim of these trials is to make mental health care more affordable, applicable, and accessible worldwide, and to reduce the stigma around mental health.. Alzheimers: Can it Be Prevented - Dr. Caroline Leaf Dr. Leaf So shouldnt you and other doctors make this about me, who does suffer from mental illnesses? If there were any misunderstandings, it is likely because Dr Leaf did not make any attempt to reference any of the statements she made on the day. Have their origin in the feebled thoughts and behaviors of mankind. But why flame-throw But when it comes to the impact of psychosocial stress and cortisol and health effects, it becomes more complicated, and Dr Leaf makes a number of assumptions that do not align with basic science. Theres no stepping down going on here. I have never had a chronic health condition and havent had so much as a cold in years. Im all in favour of free thinking. This is far from being 2% or 5% as Dr Leafs sources state. 298(14): 1685-7) Negative or toxic thoughts are often the result of an underlying disease process not the cause of it. I found your site. Neuroscientist Explains Brain & Mind Connection - YouTube Ive learned if I can get someone to talk enough, theyll spill their beans. The data will be used to identify needs and priorities, benchmark against various population characteristics, evaluate programs and policies, plan for services and programs, and advocate for resources. Caroline Leaf Long ago I am engaged in significant discussion with him and reviewed his apparent being removed out devotion to targeting Caroline with arguments that are rarely understood by anyone except him. By the way, unless you live in Flint MI, or you eat a lot of fish, heavy metal poisoning is very low and only a few heavy metals actually cross the blood brain barrier. I think its good that you wrote to Dr Leaf, even if the outcome was stone-walling from her minions, as predicted. If you want to continue to follow Dr Leafs teaching, then more power to you. It is all connected, and we should always be wary of any philosophy, medication or product that promises to fix everything. We are terrified of loosing the faith or our loved ones going to hell. Some of the latest stress statistics causing illness as a result of toxic thinking can be found at: http://www.naturalwellnesscare.com/stress-statistics.html These websites not peer-reviewed, and both suffer from a blatant pro-stress bias. I have been quite open about my struggles with mental illness in my books. Anyway, the comment and the reply, and the interest in the blog are all appreciated. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and Ph.D. in Communication Pathology, and a BSc in Logopaedics from the University of Cape Town and the University of Pretoria in South Africa. It does not determine our health. Instead this whole thing seems to revolve around you and how you are not too happy with her fame. My blood work was pretty much perfect however the doctor was alarmed when she saw that my insulin stores over the last 3 months showed me to be diabetic. Toxic thoughts cause depression (Beck& Ellis). 4. Science is deterministic, in a material way. Again, please give your resource references for Dr Leafs quotes as I would like to see what she said. As I know that with our current diet and heavy metals crossing the blood/brain barrier, I thought that was what a brain detox would consist of. Murea, M., et al., Genetic and environmental factors associated with type 2 diabetes and diabetic vascular complications. It was as if she were trusting in her mind over the power of prayer. I cant say Im particularly surprised though. EVIDENCE CONTRADICTING DR LEAF Influence Of Thought On Health Dr Leaf has categorically stated that 75 to 98% of all illnesses are the result of our thought life on I always try spend at least an hour in the morning building my brain by doing research and then detoxing my brain using my SWITCH app. Shout it from Facebook and other social media platforms. 1101 N Battlefield Blvd As you say, we enjoy free speech. Love to hear more if youre willing to share. LEAF'S CERTIFIED FACILITATOR PROGRAM. As such, the numbers are too small to have any real meaning. When it comes to our health, there are no shortcuts! Number of occasion? CA Cancer J Clin, 2013. Study 1s findings suggested that these 20 questions forming the Leaf Mind Management (LMM) survey tool have both structural validity and consistent reliability across both samples. Though somehow I doubt she really is involved in a clinical trial, since she has no scientific or academic credibility and has no connection with a university or other research institution. Dr. Caroline Leaf is a communication pathologist, audiologist, clinical and cognitive neuroscientist with a Masters and PhD in Communication Pathology and a BSc Logopaedics, specializing in cognitive and metacognitive neuropsychology. A final set of 71 items was selected for the initial questionnaire, and exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and confirmatory factor analyses (CFA) found 20 items nested within six factors that explained 71.9% of the overall variance. If I am correct, then the strength and validity of Dr Leafs published works should be called into question. Data is analyzed by an independent research and analysis consulting firm, Elite Research, LLC (www.eliteresearch.com). So bottom line Id be wary, but I would suggest you might have to have a look around and do some fact checking on them if youre not sure.
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